0161 517 0010 | georgina@bluetrust.co.uk

Welcome to Bluetrust Ltd

We offer a comprehensive financial planning service for all your investment and protection needs:

  • Pension Planning
    When do you want to retire and how much income will you need?
  • Life Assurance
    How much cash would your family need to maintain their current lifestyle if you die prematurely?
  • Income Protection
    Would you require a regular income or a cash sum if you suffered a serious illness or disability?
  • Investments/Regular Savings
    Are you making the best use of any spare capital or surplus income?
  • Mortgages
    Do you want to reduce your current mortgage outlay or are you moving home?

We hope you find the site both useful and informative. Over time our aim is to expand the site to offer more services such as viewing your policies and portfolios securely on the site but we would welcome your feedback not only on the current content and presentation of the site but how you feel it could be improved or indeed what other services or information we could include to help you.

If you do have any suggestions please e-mail us or use one of our contact forms.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage
If a fee is to be charged (£395.00 maximum) for sourcing and arranging a mortgage this is discussed with the client at the initial meeting and is paid by the client when an offer letter is issued. We also accept a procuration fee from the lender upon completion of your mortgage.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) does not regulate some forms of mortgage

UK News

The UK's highest court has rejected the Treasury's attempts to intervene in the landmark case.
Companies' confidence falls as they face increases to National Insurance payments and wages
It is the latest move from Meta to invest more in global connectivity rather than its apps.
Elon Musk's goal might be hindering the growth potential of the AI firm of his rival Sam Altman, experts say.
App stores in South Korea have removed DeepSeek over concerns about how it manages users' data.